Stubborn: Dog Breeds That Are Difficult To Train

Stubborn: Dog Breeds That Are Difficult To Train

Among dogs, as well as among people, there are those who grasp everything on the fly, and there are those for whom training is not easy. Only in the case of dogs, the problem is often not stupidity, but character traits. What breeds will have to be patient and persistent in order to teach them commands?

  1. Chow Chow

    Dogs of this breed are very independent and stubborn. They have their own opinion, so they make all decisions on their own: if the Chow-Chow needs to go somewhere, he will go there, despite the prohibitions of the owner. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to train this pet, you should not start it as the first dog.

    dog - Puppy

    Chow Chow

  2. Beagle

    Beagles are also extremely reluctant to train because of their stubbornness. But it is necessary to train them, otherwise you will get an uncontrollable dog that will throw out its energy, destroying your apartment (and nerves).

    psychology extinction behavior - Thought


  3. Pekingese

    These dogs are capricious, stubborn and touchy. Pekingese do not like to obey, so getting them to obey commands is not an easy task. You will have to be patient to teach them even the simplest commands.

    dog - Mongrel


  4. English bulldog

    You need to find the right approach to the English Bulldog in order to train it. The stubbornness and independence inherent in this breed do their job: the bulldog is reluctant to teach commands, he likes to do everything his own way, and not the way the owner wants it. But in general, he is not hopeless – you can and should train him, just realizing in advance that this can take quite a lot of time and effort.

    english bulldog playing - Stock photography

    English bulldog

  5. Afghan Hound

    These smart dogs, in fact, catch everything on the fly. But nevertheless, they can easily refuse to carry out the commands of the owner, because they are used to making decisions on their own. To raise an Afghan hound , it is best to immediately seek help from a dog handler.

    afghan hound - Hound

    Afghan Hound

  6. Basset Hound

    This breed is also not easy to train. The Bassets decide for themselves which commands they will execute and which ones they will not. In addition, some breeders believe that these dogs do not have the most outstanding memory, so they may stop following even learned commands. But you have to come to terms with this.

    sitting dog with butterfly - Toy dog

    Basset Hound

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